Sunday, March 1, 2015

WebLogic Cloning - Software + Domains

Its been a while having a weblogic related blog entry, So this  week with some free time, its the mood to get some weblogic stuff added into the blog, This blog will have the instructions to clone a existing WebLogic Server software + running domains on a new computer.

To perform this task, follow sections
ü   Source environment cloning,
ü  Target environment deployment

(a) Source environment to prepare and copy it to the target environment.

a.1. Set Environment variables

Connect to the source environment host.
Set up the following environment variables:
TGT_HOST – a fully qualified target host name, e.g.
SRC_CLONE_DIR – a directory of the source environment for preparation of clone files
TGT_CLONE_DIR – a directory of the target environment for copying of clone files

You may also need to update:
·         Mount point directory u01 to an actual value (note that u01 in TGT_CLONE_DIR is for the target environment)
·         Middleware home directory mw_1, if you clone another home, e.g. mw_2


[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]>. /u01/app/oracle/fusion/mw_1/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/


Check values of environment variables
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> for var in MW_HOME SRC_CLONE_DIR TGT_CLONE_DIR TGT_HOST
> do
> echo $var" = "`eval echo '$'$var`
> done
MW_HOME =/u01/app/oracle/fusion/mw_1
SRC_CLONE_DIR = /u01/app/oracle/fusion/clone/
TGT_CLONE_DIR = /u01/app/oracle/fusion/clone/

a.2. Clone directories creation

Create directory for clone files on the source environment
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]>mkdir -p $SRC_CLONE_DIR
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]>ls -ltr $SRC_CLONE_DIR

If this directory existed, there may be some files there left from previous cloning. You need to delete them.
Create directory for clone files on the target environment (you are doing it from the source environment console, enter password if needed)
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> ssh $TGT_HOST mkdir -p $TGT_CLONE_DIR

a.3. Software preparation

You must perform these actions once per WebLogic software home.

Prepare WebLogic software for cloning
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> MW_CLONE_FILE=$SRC_CLONE_DIR/mwhome.jar
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> [ -f $MW_CLONE_FILE ] && rm $MW_CLONE_FILE
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> cd $MW_HOME/utils/clone
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]>./ $JAVA_HOME $MW_CLONE_FILE

Prepare JDK for cloning (you may skip this step if you want to install JDK on the target environment from installation package)
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> JAVA_CLONE_FILE=$SRC_CLONE_DIR/java.tgz
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> [ -f $JAVA_CLONE_FILE ] && rm $JAVA_CLONE_FILE
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> cd $JAVA_HOME/..
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> tar czf - ${JAVA_HOME##*/} > $JAVA_CLONE_FILE

a.4. Domains preparation

You must perform these actions once per WebLogic software home. All domains you need to clone from this WebLogic home will be prepared at once.

Set the environment variable for the file containing a domain list
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> DOMAIN_LIST_FILE=$SRC_CLONE_DIR/domain_list.txt
Prepare list of WebLogic domain directories in the source environment
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> cat /dev/null > $DOMAIN_LIST_FILE
> grep "domain location" $MW_HOME/domain-registry.xml | while read line
> do
> line=${line#*
> line=${line%\"/>}
> echo $line >> $DOMAIN_LIST_FILE
> done
Observe your source domain directories in the prepared file; remove those you do not want to clone.
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> vi $DOMAIN_LIST_FILE
Prepare the domains from the created list for cloning
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> cat $DOMAIN_LIST_FILE | while read DOMAIN_HOME
> do
> . $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/
> $WL_HOME/common/bin/ -domain=$DOMAIN_HOME -template=$DOMAIN_CLONE_FILE
> -template_name=$DOMAIN_NAME
> done

 [ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> cat $DOMAIN_LIST_FILE | while read DOMAIN_HOME

a.5. Copying from source to target

Review the prepared archives (you may need to parallelize copy process if archives size is too large).
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> ll $SRC_CLONE_DIR

Copy clone files to the target environment (enter password if needed)
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> cd $SRC_CLONE_DIR
[ajithpathiyil1::oracle]> scp * ${TGT_HOST}:${TGT_CLONE_DIR}

You perform the following actions on the target environment to roll out a WebLogic clone from the archives copied from the source environment.

b.1. Environment variables

Connect to the target environment host.
Set up the following environment variables:
FUSION_BASE – a base directory for Oracle Fusion Middleware software of the target environment
MW_HOME – Middleware home directory
WL_HOME – WebLogic Server home directory
TGT_CLONE_DIR – a directory of the target environment with clone files copied from the source environment

You may also need to update:
·         mount point directory u01 to an actual value
·         Middleware home directory mw_1, if you clone to another target home, e.g. mw_2
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> FUSION_BASE=/u01/app/oracle/fusion
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> MW_HOME=$FUSION_BASE/mw_1
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> WL_HOME=$MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> TGT_CLONE_DIR=$FUSION_BASE/clone/`hostname -f`
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> export MW_HOME WL_HOME

Check values of environment variables
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> for var in FUSION_BASE MW_HOME WL_HOME TGT_CLONE_DIR
> do
> echo $var" = "`eval echo '$'$var`
> done

b.2. Software deployment

You must perform these actions once per WebLogic software home.
Set up the following environment variables:
JAVA_HOME – JDK home directory
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> JAVA_HOME=$MW_HOME/java/jdk
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> export JAVA_HOME PATH

Check values of environment variables
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> for var in JAVA_HOME PATH
> do
> echo $var" = "`eval echo '$'$var`
> done

b.2.2 Restore weblogic software
Unpack JDK from the archive (you may skip this step if you have installed JDK on the target environment from installation package)
mkdir -p ${JAVA_HOME%/*}
cd ${JAVA_HOME%/*}
tar xzf $TGT_CLONE_DIR/java.tgz

Unpack WebLogic software from the archive
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> mkdir -p $MW_HOME
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> cd $MW_HOME
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> jar xf $TGT_CLONE_DIR/mwhome.jar

Preserve, otherwise it will be deleted during execution of script
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> cp $WL_HOME/common/nodemanager/ [ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> $WL_HOME/common/nodemanager/

[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> cd $MW_HOME/utils/clone
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> chmod u+x ./
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]>./ $JAVA_HOME

Set server environment
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]>. $WL_HOME/server/bin/

b.2.3.  Delete domains registration from Node Manager
Clear the list of domains previously enrolled to the Node Manager
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> cat /dev/null > $WL_HOME/common/nodemanager/

b.2.4. Start Node Manager
Start Node Manager
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> cd $WL_HOME/common/nodemanager
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> nohup $WL_HOME/server/bin/ &

Check the output of the Node Manager process
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> tail -50f $WL_HOME/common/nodemanager/nohup.out

b.3. Domains Deployment

You must perform these actions once per WebLogic software home except item 3.3.4 with sub-items which must be repeated for each domain.
Set server environment
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]>. $WL_HOME/server/bin/
Check values of environment variables
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> for var in MW_HOME WL_HOME JAVA_HOME TGT_CLONE_DIR
> do       
> echo $var" = "`eval echo '$'$var`
> done

b.3.2. Specify new names for domains
New domain names must NOT match the domain names existing on the target environment.

You can check the domain names existing on the target environment by
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> ll $MW_HOME/../user_projects/domains
Open the domain list for editing
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> vi $TGT_CLONE_DIR/domain_list.txt
Enter new domain names next to the domain directories listed in the file. Use space as a delimiter.
For example
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> /u01/app/oracle/otc1d_cl/wlserver/user_projects/domains/ajith_domain ajithclone
Save the domain list.
If directory $HOME/dbs does not exist, create it
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> mkdir $HOME/dbs
Restore all domains specified in the domain list in cycle at once.
Links to the domain environment files will also be created.
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> cat $TGT_CLONE_DIR/domain_list.txt | while read DOMAIN_LINE
> do
>  SRC_DOMAIN_HOME=`echo $DOMAIN_LINE | cut -d' ' -f 1`
>  TGT_DOMAIN_NAME=`echo $DOMAIN_LINE | cut -d' ' -s -f 2`
>  TGT_DOMAIN_HOME=${MW_HOME%/*}/user_projects/domains/$TGT_DOMAIN_NAME.
>  echo "Unpacking domain "$SRC_DOMAIN_NAME" as "$TGT_DOMAIN_NAME" to "$TGT_DOMAIN_HOME
>  $WL_HOME/common/bin/ -domain=$TGT_DOMAIN_HOME
> -template=$TGT_CLONE_DIR/${SRC_DOMAIN_NAME}.jar
>  ln -s $TGT_DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ ~/dbs/init_`echo ${TGT_DOMAIN_NAME}
> | tr [:lower:][:upper:]`
> done
Sample output
Unpacking domain ajith_domain1 as ajithclone to /u01/app/oracle/fusion/user_projects/domains/ajithclone
<< read template from "/u01/app/oracle/fusion/clone/ajith_domain_apps.jar"
>>  succeed: read template from "/u01/app/oracle/fusion/clone/ajith_domain_apps.jar"
<< write Domain to "/u01/app/oracle/fusion/user_projects/domains/ajithclone"
>>  succeed: write Domain to "/u01/app/oracle/fusion/user_projects/domains/ajithclone"
<< close template
>>  succeed: close template

You must perform these actions for each domain you are cloning.
You can always obtain the list of domains being cloned by the following script
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> cat $TGT_CLONE_DIR/domain_list.txt | while read DOMAIN_LINE
> do
> SRC_DOMAIN_HOME=`echo $DOMAIN_LINE | cut -d' ' -f 1`
> TGT_DOMAIN_NAME=`echo $DOMAIN_LINE | cut -d' ' -s -f 2`
> TGT_DOMAIN_HOME=${MW_HOME%/*}/user_projects/domains/$TGT_DOMAIN_NAME
> echo "======================================================================="
> echo "Domain name: $TGT_DOMAIN_NAME"
> echo "Domain home: $TGT_DOMAIN_HOME"
> echo "Domain environment: . ~/dbs/init_`echo ${TGT_DOMAIN_NAME} | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]`"
> done

b.3.4.1. Environment variables
Set the domain environment
Note: You can simply copy the corresponding environment command from the output of previous script
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> . ~/dbs/

b.3.4.2. Edit config.xml
Edit the domain configuration file
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> vi $DOMAIN_HOME/config/config.xml

Note: You can correct hostname at once by using vi command, e.g.
When choosing ports check that the chosen port is not in use by
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> netstat -anp | grep
Save the domain configuration file config.xml.
Start WLST utility
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> java weblogic.WLST
Start the domain Administration Server via Node Manager. Specify your Node Manager username, password and the domain name.
[ajithpathiyil2::oracle]> nmConnect(username='weblogic',password=’*********’,domainName='')
> nmStart('AdminServer')
> exit()

Connect to the Administration console and start the Management Servers as appropriate.
To connect to the Administration console the URL should be formed as follows using values for Administration server.

(c) Change passwords
Change the domain administrator (user weblogic) password:

1.       Connect to the Administration Console

2.       Click 'Security Realms' in the Domain Structure

3.       Click 'myrealm'

4.       Select 'Users and Groups' tab

5.       Select 'Users' sub-tab

6.       Click user 'weblogic'

7.       Select 'Passwords' tab

8.       Enter a new password into 2 fields

9.       Click 'Save'

Change the Node Manager password for current domain:

1.       Connect to the Administration Console

2.       Click on the domain name in the Domain Structure

3.       Select 'Security' tab

4.       Select 'General' sub-tab

5.       Click 'Advanced' link

6.       Enter the new Node Manager password into the fields 'NodeManager Password' and 'Confirm NodeManager Password'

7.       Click 'Save'

(d)                Set up data sources
Set up connection strings and passwords in the data sources:

1.       Connect to the Administration Console

2.       Click 'Services / Data Sources' in the Domain Structure

3.       Click on the data source name

4.       Select 'Configuration' tab

5.       Select 'Connection Pool' sub-tab

6.       Correct the connection descriptor in the 'URL' field

7.       Locate the user name in the 'Properties' field

8.       Enter the new password for this user into the fields 'Password' and 'Confirm Password'

9.       Click 'Save'

10.    Repeat for each data source

Configuration of the WebLogic domain is completed. The Managed servers of this domain can be started:         

1.       Connect to the Administration Console

2.       Click 'Environment / Servers' in the Domain Structure

3.       Select 'Control' tab

4.       Mark checkboxes for all Managed servers that need to be started

5.       Click 'Start' button

6.       You may click on button to periodically refresh the table and observe the status of the starting servers.


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